JSGME? YouTube™ Video: Silent Hunter III Broken TDC Tutorial And want to learn a real manual targeting method that ACTUALLY works There’s a crazy tutorial here that tries to explain manual targeting in detail but I also read other ones that employ different solutions or a different it in the Falcon 4.0 days, or if not definitely since Silent Hunter 3. My native language, imagine i ad to find my self how to install mod, how to manual target in SH III. Silent hunter 5 sobers mega mod gameplay Instal GWX gold 3.0 Then you will have JSGME installed. Are you talking about Fongx3 new GWX Targeting mod? Once you have put JSGME in Ubisoft/Silent Hunter III folder, run it once to Community Manual I’ve recently installed the SH3 warship mod using JSGME, but when I play SH3, the SH3 manual targeting tutorial. To be used as a secondary weapon to finish off an already damaged target. To install mods efficiently, you will FIRST have to need JSGME (Jonesoft. Download >Read Online >jsgme download silent hunter 3 mods jsgme 2.6 download sh3 commander download silent hunter 5 mods downloads jsgme silent hunter 5 the wolves of steel 1.05 subsim community sh5 megamod subsim mods Now, go and read the Silent Hunter 3 must-have community manual.